Reporting Season

TAMIM Earnings Season Report Card

TAMIM Earnings Season Report Card

The final six months of 2023 presented a challenging backdrop with prevailing macroeconomic conditions and a sense of uncertainty. Anticipations for the earnings season until the end of December were initially subdued. Despite this, the period delivered results that...

No FOMO: Patience and ASX Small Caps

No FOMO: Patience and ASX Small Caps

In today's fast-paced world, the demand for instant gratification has permeated almost every aspect of life, including investing. The allure of quick gains often overshadows the virtues of patience and long-term thinking. As markets surge, with the S&P 500...

Our ASX Earnings Season Podium

Our ASX Earnings Season Podium

Our ASX Earnings Season Podium 26/9/2023   With earnings season done and dusted, we take a look back at three of the best performers in what was an overall mixed period for the ASX. We’ve also included one quality company which has had a challenging time...

Reporting Season: SWM.ASX & MNY.ASX

Reporting Season: SWM.ASX & MNY.ASX

Over the next few weeks we will be providing commentary on half yearly results for some of our key holdings. During February companies report their half yearly results for the period ending December 31st while also providing an outlook for the full year results....

Global Market Update | October 2021

Global Market Update | October 2021

Robert Swift takes a look at what happened in October in markets. This is an excerpt from Robert's Global High Conviction report for October 2021. Global equity returns were unusually strong in October rising over 4.5% in USD terms and essentially flat in AUD as the...

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