Tamim Property
TAMIM Property is a comprehensive Australian real estate asset manager which invests principal equity into opportunities which are originated, structured and managed In-House.
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About the Strategy
Preserve Wealth and Capital Growth
- To preserve wealth and provide capital growth.
- To provide regular income derived from property investments
- Generate a strong risk-adjusted yield for our investors.
Key features
- TAMIM Property’s management team (headed by Jeff Taitz) has over two decades of direct experience in the field and, has successfully advised on, transacted, asset managed and exited over $1.5 billion of real estate investments.
- The team is responsible for identifying real estate opportunities, due diligence, negotiation and acquisition of the assets and then managing of the property.
- Hands-on small cohesive team with diverse skills which can work nimbly to assess and act to secure deals quickly, an advantage when faced with off market transactions in particular.
All investments carry risk.
While it is not possible to identify every risk relevant to your investment, we provide details of the risks that may affect your investment in the relevant information memorandums and additional information booklets.
Investment Structure
Each property deal will entail the establishment of a new Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) into which you, the investor, can buy units. Minimum investment on any given deal is $250,000 and is available to wholesale/sophisticated investors.
Each TAMIM Property SPV will vary but will tend to adhere to the following:
- Our investment time frame is (typically 5 to 7 years).
- Our minimum investments are $250,000 per unit trust.
Factsheet and Strategy
Discover further details about the fund’s investment strategy, the investment team, and the investment process.
Investment Strategy and Rationale
Learn about the fund investment strategt and rationale.
Open for Investment
TAMIM Property Fund – Springvale Unit Class
- Year 1 Distribution Forecast: 7.25%
- Average Distribution Forecast: 7.50% p.a.
- Distribution Frequency: Quarterly
- Projected IRR: 13.25 to 13.5%*
- Min. Investment: $250,000
Open to Wholesale/Sophisticated investors.
*Calculated after management fee & interest payments.

Investor Profile
The TAMIM Property solutions are for wholesale/sophisticated investors who:
Seeking investment opportunities in Australian real estate.
Value transparency and a higher level of customer service.
Want to take advantage of the extensive expertise and experience of the TAMIM property team.
Have a long term investment horizon of at least five to ten years.
Register your interest in the next TAMIM Property Investment
TAMIM Property solutions are available in an unlisted unit trust structure. Each property deal will entail the establishment of a new Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) into which you, the investor, can buy units. Minimum investment on any given deal is $250,000 and is available to wholesale/sophisticated investors.