Global Equities

Stock Picking – Rolls Royce (RR.L)

At TAMIM Asset Management we invest in stocks - not markets. The recent volatility in markets has highlighted to investors the need to own high quality stocks in their portfolios. Robert Swift utilises his VMQ (Value, momentum and quality) screen to access whether we...

Bulls versus Bears – Australian Banks

Markets are always made up of at least 2 opposing views. This is what makes markets what they are. Trying to come to a price through the discovery of existing and new information and factoring all of this into future cash flow projections is what makes financial...

Stock Picking – Wellcom Group (WLL.AX)

The Wellcom story starts with industry doyen and patriarch Wayne Sidwell. One of the Wellcom non-executive directors remarked Wayne Sidwell is Wayne Sidwell, nothing more need be said”. When James first met with Wayne, he immediately recognised the business had a very...

The Weekly Pain Report

Over the next few weeks my good friend and highly skilled investment strategist Jonathan Pain has agreed to share his views on what he is seeing in global investment markets with readers of the TAMIM weekly newsletter. The only thing better then reading a Pain report...

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