Global Equities

Will REITs be the epicentre of the next crisis?

This week Guy Carson takes a look at REITs and their potential role as the source of crisis in the Australian economy. A version of this article was published in The Australian on 21 October 2017. Back in 2007, the wheels began to fall off the global equity market...

Telstra Revisited

This week we present a piece by Hamish Carlisle, analyst with the TAMIM Australian Equity Income IMA powered by Merlon Capital Partners, as they review their analysis of Telstra. When Merlon was established in 2010 and we first formally reviewed Telstra, the stock was...

Is this time different for IT services?

This week Guy Carson reviews the IT services sector which is a sector typically overlooked by the Australian market. When an investor thinks about the Australia equity market, they typically think of Banks and Resources. They may also think about supermarkets, Telstra...

Amazon Not Introducing Internet to Australia

Adrian Lemme, analyst with the TAMIM Australian Equity Income portfolio, takes a look at the impending arrival of Amazon and the impact it should have on the Aussie landscape. Amazon Not Introducing Internet to Australia TAMIM Australian Equity Income - Merlon Capital...

So you’ve sold Telstra… Now what?

Remember the Tech Media Telecom (TMT) bubble of the late 1990s? Australia didn’t participate because of an absence of such companies on the ASX, but elsewhere it produced a frenzy of deals and some ludicrous valuations which mostly came unstuck. Although it eventually...

Australian Supermarkets: The death of a duopoly

This week Guy Carson, manager of the TAMIM Australian Equity All Cap Value IMA, takes a look at the Australian supermarkets, the prevailing duopoly, incoming competition from ALDI, Costco and Amazon and how the future looks for this sector. Australian Supermarkets:...

Australian Banks: The death of a 25 year bull market

This week Guy Carson takes a look at the Australian banking sector, how it generates profit, how this has operated historically and what the outlook is going forward. Guy argues that the tailwinds aiding bank profitability over the last 25 years may be coming to an...

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