
Chinese Property Market – One to watch out for…

This week Robert Swift takes a look at the Chinese property market and the effect it will have on Australia and the World. We have written on the China “marvel” before and continue to scratch our head on this enigma and the sustainability of it. You have to give them...

Telstra Revisited

This week we present a piece by Hamish Carlisle, analyst with the TAMIM Australian Equity Income IMA powered by Merlon Capital Partners, as they review their analysis of Telstra. When Merlon was established in 2010 and we first formally reviewed Telstra, the stock was...

What we look for in a management team

This week the small cap team take a look at the importance of a good management team when investing in a company. They take the time to spell out exactly what they look for when considering management. Summary: ​In our experience management quality is arguably the...

Being early is the same as being wrong… or is it?

This week Robert Swift examines one of the more costly mistakes of the TAMIM Global Equity High Conviction portfolio so far this year. We still believe the investment thesis for Macy's to hold but this experience underlines the significance of timing on short-term...

New financial year – Asset allocation update

Robert Swift provides an update on his stance on asset allocation having just ticked over into the new financial year. An update from our asset allocation models. One of the most important decisions is how to allocate your money across different asset classes –...

Positioned for Brexit

Robert Swift talks about how the TAMIM Global Equity High Conviction IMA is positioned heading into the Brexit vote and in particular reviews our 3 London listed investments. This week we republish an article written by Robert Swift, the Chief Investment Officer of...

How much risk is there in my passive strategy?

​Robert Swift weighs in on the active vs. passive management debate and questions the risk levels in so-called passive strategies. How much risk is there in my passive strategy? Robert Swift ​Investment strategies, where investors simply invest in a fund that tracks a...

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