Market Insight

Accessing IPOs and Capital Raisings

We take a look at accessing IPO's and Capital raisings. Small investors tend to be locked out of these raisings. In most instances, this is not an issue as the quality of the capital raisings tend to be poor. However, in the case of a strong IPO, you can benefit from...

Australian Banks: The death of a 25 year bull market

This week Guy Carson takes a look at the Australian banking sector, how it generates profit, how this has operated historically and what the outlook is going forward. Guy argues that the tailwinds aiding bank profitability over the last 25 years may be coming to an...

The RBA’s Conundrum

This week Guy Carson, manager of the TAMIM Australian Equity All Cap Value IMA, takes a look at the recent RBA decision to yet again leave rates as they are. Have they made the right call? Should they have made a change? The RBA's Conundrum Guy Carson ​Earlier this...

Australian vs. Global banks – Which should I own?

Robert Swift and Roger McIntosh compare local and international banks. Does it make sense to own the behemoths that dominate the Australian market? Are you unknowingly doubling down on exposure to the Australian property market? Australian vs. Global banks – Which...

Why do you need equity income?

Scott Maddock reviews the current interest rate environment and the outlook for rates. Given the view that rates will increase but that they will do so at a slower rate than most expect, Scott discusses three portfolio holdings that he believes will continue to...

High Quality – A Shopping List

We take a look at the "shopping list" of qualities our small cap team look for in making an investment. They run through each and provide a stock example to illustrate their point. High Quality - A Shopping List Summary: Within our team we are focused upon investing...

Buffett’s Bet

I recently attended a presentation by one of our investment managers to a group of self-directed investors and, as you would expect, the usual question was posed by the audience: “Warren Buffett says you should invest in passive index driven strategies and not with...

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