Market Insight

Investing in Uncertain Times: Keep It Simple

One of the greatest privileges of being in this business is the ability to talk to other investors on a daily basis and understand the pulse of the market. Right now the pulse seems to be confusion, not necessarily fear. Confusion breeds uncertainty which can paralyze...

Needs Not Wants?

Robert Swift takes some time to look at portfolio allocation in the context of the current global climate; now focussing on investing in the 'needs' and not 'wants'. ​Most risk assets have had a decent fall this year. Long overdue and somewhat predictable perhaps but,...

Commodities: An Abundance of Policy Missteps

This week we would like to look at the commodities market. This is a fascinating topic in a world coming out of a global pandemic, in the midst of a “Green Transition” and tackling exacerbated income inequalities. Toss into this mix the context of Russian sanctions....

Inflation: An Oily Issue

This week we continue with our examination of the news flow that has been rocking markets. We find it interesting that the headlines have inextricably linked the latest burst in inflation and energy prices squarely with the Russia-Ukraine escalation story. However,...

SWIFT Retribution: Russian Sanctions & What It Means

This week we revisit the topic of Russia and the escalation in sanctions by the West. In particular we want to talk about the oft heard about but little known SWIFT system through which some of these sanctions are being imposed, the implications for broader markets...

Politics, Trust and Investing: Our Greatest Risk?

Growing up it was ingrained that two topics are rather taboo to discuss at the dinner table; the first being politics and the second money. So, with the hope that you’re not having dinner as you read, this week we discuss the former while touching on the latter....

Innovation Solves Problems: Big Ideas for 2023

Innovation Solves Problems: Big Ideas for 2023

Innovation Solves Problems: Big Ideas for 2023 9/2/2023 Cathie Wood's ARK Investment Management is well known for betting big on disruptive technologies through its exchange-traded funds, headlined by the ARK Innovation ETF (NASDAQ: ARKK). Wood is one of the loudest...

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