Investment Philosophy

Declutter Your Investing Mind

Declutter Your Investing Mind

A quick Google search for investing news provides 20+ sensationalist headlines. Interest rate changes, inflation, market cycles and quarterly updates provide media and marketers with an abundance of topics to craft clickbait with the intent of attracting eyeballs to...

When 1 + 1 Makes 3?

Robert Swift takes a look at the shift in language coming from central bankers and finance ministers and, more importantly, the implications for equities and bonds. Confirmation bias is a common problem for portfolio managers. You have a thesis and then look only for...

10 Principles to Invest By

We have always said that it is important to take time and revisit the basics every now and then. Living and breathing the markets day in, day out can let us lose sight of these basics, not seeing the forest for the trees if you will. It is often the simplest things...

Buffett’s Bet

I recently attended a presentation by one of our investment managers to a group of self-directed investors and, as you would expect, the usual question was posed by the audience: “Warren Buffett says you should invest in passive index driven strategies and not with...

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