
Two ASX Small Caps With Positive Market Updates

Two ASX Small Caps With Positive Market Updates 10/8/2023   The financial world often stands still, watching behemoths like Apple Inc (NASDAQ: AAPL) and Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) manoeuvre. Given their gargantuan size, these market titans inevitably cast wide ripples...

The Payments Stock We Think the Market Has Got Wrong

This week we will be writing about one of our core holdings, one that the market hasn’t been very optimistic about. In doing this we will look at why we think the market has this one wrong. Sometimes the best opportunities come from running toward the fire and...

Energy Markets: Shortages, Assumptions and Bottlenecks

This week we take a dive into energy markets, in particular the likely medium to long term outlook for the sector. We have previously written on the potential dislocations both in uranium spot prices (which we wrote off last year) and the potential upward trajectory...

This Rare Earths Company is a Rare Opportunity

This week we are tackling the subject of rare earths, their applications for electric vehicles and how TAMIM’s Global Mobility strategy aims to benefit. The rare earth elements are composed of a group of seventeen metals that are each just as hard to pronounce as the...

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