
The World Doesn’t Often End

The World Doesn’t Often End

The World Doesn’t Often End 23/3/2023 The world we live in today moves at lightning speed. Information is available to us at our fingertips, and news travels faster than ever before. In the realm of finance and investing, this can lead to investors panicking and...

A Bear Market Rally, or Blue Skies Ahead?

A Bear Market Rally, or Blue Skies Ahead?

A Bear Market Rally, or Blue Skies Ahead? 23/2/2023 The S&P 500 lost almost 20% in 2022 — the worst year since 2008 amid multi-decade high inflation, rising interest rates, and fading economic growth. ​ However, US markets have bounced back in recent months with...

Year in Review: 2022

Year in Review: 2022

Year in Review: 2022 22/12/2022 With our final newsletter of the year, we wanted to recap the major events that moved markets and highlight some investor takeaways. Upon reflection, 2022 was a year of inflection. Australia emerged from two years of intermittent...

Is the Fair Work Legislation fair?

Is the Fair Work Legislation fair?

Is the Fair Work Legislation fair? 30/11/2022 Maybe, but one thing is for sure, it is likely to be expensive as well. This week we look at the 'Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 2022, a Bill that once passed, will represent one of the most...

Global Equities Webinar- ​December 2023

Webinar Excerpt: Industrial Oil Gas and Re-industrialisation with Robert Swift 24/1/2024 Reindustrialisation, energy and technology security is at the forefront of US policy with a big push to promote domestic production through subsidies. Which companies stand to...

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