Australian Equities

Australia Small Cap Income

Investor updates

Below you will find the monthly commentary and portfolio update for TAMIM Australia Small Cap unit class.

TAMIM Whitepapers

Latest Edition

3 ASX Stocks on our Watchlist - TAMIM Takeover Whitepaper Feb 24
Ron Shamgar, the TAMIM Head of Australian Equity Strategy, is renowned for his exceptional ability to identify stocks ripe for takeover opportunities. In this whitepaper he shares the top 3 ASX stocks that are currently on his watchlist. The Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) has witnessed a notable surge in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) transactions in the past year, with a number of these being TAMIM holdings.

The Takeover Whitepaper will share our comprehensive strategies and valuable insights into recognising potential ASX stocks that could be takeover targets. Additionally we provide you with insights and strategies we use to identify companies ripe for takeover and share why we believe these 3 ASX Stocks on our watchlist could have takeover offers in the near future. 

Download Latest Edition of TAMIM Takeover Whitepaper

View our past TAMIM Takeover Whitepapers and evaluate Ron Shamgars ability to identify stocks ripe for takeover opportunities.

TAMIM Takeover Whitepaper

Febuary 2024

3 ASX Stocks on our Watchlist - TAMIM Takeover Whitepaper Feb 24

TAMIM Takeover Whitepaper

September 2023

TAMIM Takeover Whitepaper Sept 23

TAMIM Takeover Whitepaper

November 2021

TAMIM Takeover Whitepaper Sept 23

Fund Performance

Fund Facts

Investment Parameters

Management Style: Active
Investments: Australian Equities
Investment Universe: Australian Small Cap
Reference Index: ASX Small Ords
Number of Securities: 20-40  (10-20 Value, 10-20 Growth)
Single Security Limit: +/-5%
Market Capitalisation: Small Cap
Leverage: No
Portfolio Turnover: <50% p.a.
Cash Level (typical): 0-100% (0-50%)

Fund Profile

Investment Structure: Unlisted Unit Trust (available to wholesale investors)
Minimum Investment: $100,000
Management Fee: 1.25% p.a.
Admin & Expense Recovery: Up to 0.35%
Performance Fee: 20% of performance in excess of hurdle
Hurdle: Greater of: RBA Cash Rate + 2.50%
Entry/Exit Fee: Nil
Buy/Sell Spread: +0.25% / -0.25%
Distributions: Semi-annual
Applications/Redemptions: Monthly
Redemptions: Monthly with 30 days' notice
Investment Horizon: 3 - 5 years +

Invest via TAMIM Fund

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Invest via IMA

The TAMIM Australia Small Cap strategy is available as an Individually Managed Account (IMA). Please see the Strategy Summary for terms or request Investment Documentation via form.

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