Global Equities

Global High Conviction

Investor Updates

Below you will find the monthly commentary and portfolio update for the Global High Conviction unit class of the TAMIM Fund. 

Investor Updates

Individually managed account returns will, by their nature, vary from the underlying portfolio. Your individual IMA returns can be found by logging in on the TAMIM website. 

Note: The reporting for the TAMIM Global High Conviction portfolio was previously a combined document with all TAMIM monthly reports. From the December 2018 report onward they have been split out into their own individual reports.

TAMIM Whitepapers

Latest Edition

3 ASX Stocks on our Watchlist - TAMIM Takeover Whitepaper Feb 24

The whitepaper discusses the new framework. That is, the trends that we think will impact the markets over the coming decades. We categorise these as being the 5 D’s framework formulated by TAMIM Global High Conviction fund manager, Robert Swift. The 5 Ds are as follows:

  • Debasement (Inflation) 
  • Debt 
  • Demographics
  • Deglobalisation Decarbonisation

Download Latest Edition of TAMIM 5Ds Framework Whitepaper

Fund Performance

Fund Facts

Investment Parameters

Management Style: Active
Investments: Global Equities
Investable universe: MSCI World Net Total Return Index
Number of securities: 80-110
Single security limit: +/- 5% relative to Investable Universe
Country/Sector limit: +/- 10% relative to Investable Universe
Market capitalisation: US$2+bn
Derivatives: No
Leverage: No
Portfolio turnover: Typically < 25% p.a.
Cash level: 0-100% (typically 0-10%)

Fund Profile

Investment Structure: Unlisted Unit Trust available to wholesale or sophisticated investors
Minimum Investment: $100,000
Management Fee: 1.00% p.a.
Admin & Expense Recovery: Up to 0.35%
Performance Fee: 20% of performance in excess of hurdle
Hurdle: MSCI World Net Total Return Index
Fee Cap: 2% of total FUM
Entry/Exit Fee: Nil
Buy/Sell Spread: +0.25% / -0.25%
Applications: Monthly
Redemptions: Monthly with 30 days notice
Investment Horizon: 3-5+ years
Distributions: Annual

Invest via TAMIM Fund

Request additional details by using the form or if your ready to invest select the apply now button.

Invest via IMA

The TAMIM Global High Conviction strategy is available as an Individually Managed Account (IMA). Please see the Strategy Summary for terms or request Investment Documentation via form.

Request Investment Documentation:

* Indicates required field
