Australian Equities

Australia All Cap

Investment Philosophy and Process

Investment Philosophy

The TAMIM Australia All Cap strategy uses a value based approach to identifying companies that meet our fundamentals based investment process. We aim to generate long term capital growth by targeting companies exhibiting strong financial capabilities of growing earnings, cash generation and industry tailwinds.

“Replicating a market index ultimately does not make sense for individual investors, why would you invest in a company simply because it is listed on the stock market. Expanding the universe of possibilities can provide investors with the ability to invest in companies right across the Australian share market from Commonwealth Bank right down to the micro-cap space. Through taking an unconstrained approach to our investing we believe we can provide superior risk-adjusted returns.” 

Ron Shamgar, ​TAMIM Australian All Cap Portfolio Manage


Investment Objectives

Generate absolute returns above long term equity market returns.​

Investment Process

We use a bottom up investment approach that can be broken down into 5 steps:

Idea generation:

ASX company news flow, broker research and company roadshows, news publications and social media forums.

Company research:

We conduct a company analysis on its business model, industry structure and future catalysts.

Financial analysis and modelling:

We are looking for businesses that meet our key investment criteria.

Management meeting and analysis:

We look at management historical track record and alignment with shareholders (remuneration/incentives/shareholding)

Valuation and portfolio allocation:

Each company is valued using a range of valuation approaches. Portfolio allocation based on margin of safety and financial strength of the business.

Portfolio Construction & Risk Control

To mitigate the key risks, risk control is built into the investment process:
  • Flexible cash holding (0-100%)
  • Allocate bigger positions into businesses we understand best, have a large margin of safety and exhibit strong financial characteristics
  • Leverage, liquidity, quality of management, competitive threats and execution risk.
  • Diversified portfolio – by company and industry. Targeting 20 to 50 stocks.
  • Active management visitation and careful monitoring of holding news flow.
  • Adjustment of holding exposure to reflect conviction and valuation.
Key Investment criteria include:
  • Revenue visibility – recurring or contracted revenue
  • Industry leadership
  • Earnings growth 10%+ over next 2 years
  • High cash conversion and free cash generation
  • Low capex
  • Conservative balance sheet (interest cover, debt/equity)
  • ROE and ROIC 10%+
  • Management with track record and aligned to shareholder interest
  • Discount to Intrinsic valuation
  • Identifiable catalysts for share price re rate
We use a strict criteria on when to sell:
  • Fundamentals have changed
  • Share price exceeds our valuation
  • Better opportunities with larger upside elsewhere

Fund Facts

Investment Parameters

Management Style: Active
Reference Index: ASX 300
Number of Securities: 20-50
Single Security Limit: 10% (typically 5%)
Investable Universe: ASX (focus on ASX300 ex20)
Market Capitalisation: Any
Leverage: No
Portfolio Turnover: < 25% p.a.
Cash Level: 0% – 100% (typically 5 – 30%)

Fund Profile

Investment Structure: Unlisted Unit Trust (available to wholesale investors)
Minimum Investment: $100,000
Management Fee: 1.25% p.a.
Admin & Expense Recovery: Up to 0.35%
Performance Fee: 20% of performance in excess of hurdle
Hurdle: Greater of RBA Cash Rate + 2.5%
Entry/Exit Fee: Nil
Buy/Sell Spread: +0.25% / -0.25%
Applications: Monthly
Redemptions: Monthly with 30 days notice
Investment Horizon: 3 – 5 years +
Distributions: Annual

Invest via TAMIM Fund

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Invest via IMA

The TAMIM Australia All Cap strategy is available as an Individually Managed Account (IMA). Please see the Strategy Summary for terms or request Investment Documentation via form.

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