Weekly Reading List – 9th of November

This week’s reading and viewing list covers Outlook for Economies and Markets with Co-CIO Greg Jensen, Lessons from a Young Investor Turned Operator by Jan Mohr and What’s Driving Down Oil Prices?
📚 Co-CIO Greg Jensen on the Outlook for Economies and Markets (Bridgewater Associaties)

📚 What’s Driving Down Oil Prices? (Doomberg)

🎙️ Palmer Luckey – Inventing the Future of Defense (Invest Like The Best Podcast)

📚 Wild Minds (Morgan Housel)

📚 Multi-Bagger First Principles (Ian Cassel, Micro Cap Club)

🎙️Jan Mohr – Lessons from a Young Investor Turned Operator (Art of Investing Podcast)

📚 A fireside chat on climate and global development (Bill Gates)

📚 Drawdowns (Chris Mayer)

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