Weekly Reading List – 1st of February

This week’s reading and viewing list covers Microsoft CEO Nadella on AI Wave and Tech in 2024, Boeing’s Door Disaster in Perspective and Optimal Performance with Daniel Goleman.
📚 Grow Yourself (Ian Cassel, Micro Cap Club)

🎙️ BYD Is Running China’s “Manufacturing to the World” Playbook (The Tech Strategy Podcast)

📺 Microsoft CEO Nadella on AI Wave and Tech in 2024 (Bloomberg YouTube)

📚 Container lines ‘scramble’ to rent more ships amid Red Sea crisis (Greg Miller, Freight Waves)

📚 Boeing’s Door Disaster in Perspective (David Epstein)

🎙️ Optimal Performance with Daniel Goleman (Richer, Wiser, Happier Podcast)

📚 The Thirty Second Mind (The Rational Walk)

📚 The Big Picture: Back to the Future (Bridgewater)

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