20191024 Tamim Investment Reading List


The TAMIM team is always diligently researching, reading and scouring the internet for information and ideas that will shape our investing future. We have decided to compile our list of favourite reads together here each week for your convenience and hopefully education – enjoy the reads and various views.



Andrew Yang Keeps Talking About the Fourth Industrial Revolution. What the Heck Is That? (Slate)

Why Aren’t We Curious About the Things We Want to Be Curious About? (New York Times)

Facebook isn’t free speech, it’s algorithmic amplification optimized for outrage (Techcrunch)

Facebook Finds New Disinformation Campaigns and Braces for 2020 Torrent (NYT)

If you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich? Turns out it’s just chance. (MIT Technology Review)

The Untold Story of the 2018 Olympics Cyberattack, the Most Deceptive Hack in History (Wired)

Where ESG Fails: Despite countless studies, there has never been conclusive evidence that socially responsible screens deliver alpha. A better model exists (Institutional Investor)

The Lines of Code That Changed Everything (Slate)

The Best Predictor of Stock-Fund Performance (Morningstar)

Brexit and the Decline of Brand Britannia (Businessweek)
​Happy investing,

The team at TAMIM

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