20191017 Tamim Investment Reading List


The TAMIM team is always diligently researching, reading and scouring the internet for information and ideas that will shape our investing future. We have decided to compile our list of favourite reads together here each week for your convenience and hopefully education – enjoy the reads and various views.



World War II: The Economic Anomaly (A Wealth of Common Sense)

Trump’s ‘China Muse’ Has an Imaginary Friend Who is Ron Vara? He only seems to exist in the books of Peter Navarro. (Chronicle)

NBA exec: ‘It’s the dirty little secret that everybody knows about’. (ESPN)

Artificial Intelligence: What’s to Fear? (American Interest)

Krugman: What Economists (Including Me) Got Wrong About Globalization (Bloomberg)

The germiest place in your home: “It’s actually safer to make your sandwich on a toilet seat than a cutting board”  (CNN)

Record debt and inequality gap? It’s almost like 40 years of Republican tax cuts failed. (USA Today)

Why Everything Is Getting Louder: The tech industry is producing a rising din. Our bodies can’t adapt. (The Atlantic)

Monty Python at 50: a half-century of silly walks, edible props and dead parrots (The Guardian)

​Social media social media is designed for emotion, not dialogue. (Longreads)
​Happy investing,

The team at TAMIM

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