Tamim Property

​Investing in Australian Real Estate
TAMIM Property is a comprehensive Australian real estate asset manager which invests principal equity into opportunities which are originated, structured and managed In-House.

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About the Strategy

Factsheet and Strategy


Discover further details about the fund’s investment strategy, the investment team, and the investment process.


Investment Strategy and Rationale

Learn about the fund investment strategt and rationale.

  Investment Strategy and Rationale

Open for Investment

TAMIM Property Fund – Springvale Unit Class

    • Year 1 Distribution Forecast: 7.25%
    • Average Distribution Forecast: 7.50% p.a.
    • Distribution Frequency: Quarterly
    • Projected IRR: 13.25 to 13.5%*
    • Min. Investment: $250,000

Open to Wholesale/Sophisticated investors.

*Calculated after management fee & interest payments.

Investor Profile

The TAMIM Property solutions are for wholesale/sophisticated investors who:


Seeking investment opportunities in Australian real estate.


Value transparency and a higher level of customer service.


Want to take advantage of the extensive expertise and experience of the TAMIM property team.


Have a long term investment horizon of at least five to ten years.

Register your interest in the next TAMIM Property Investment

TAMIM Property solutions are available in an unlisted unit trust structure. Each property deal will entail the establishment of a new Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) into which you, the investor, can buy units. Minimum investment on any given deal is $250,000 and is available to wholesale/sophisticated investors.

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