Global Equities

Global Tech and Innovation

Offering investors a chance to invest in one of the fastest-growing sectors of the global economy. The Global Tech and Innovations Fund is more than an investment; it is an opportunity to be part of the technological revolution that is transforming industries and creating new paradigms of growth and development.

Invest into the High Growth and rapidly expanding Global Technology Sector

Our Global Tech and Innovation Fund is designed to capitalise on the best of this thriving sector. The fund is heavily weighted towards leading technology companies, which have seen significant growth. Notable giants such as Nvidia, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet (Google), and SMCI have experienced substantial increases in their market values, driving the exceptional performance of the NASDAQ.

The Global Tech and Innovation Fund is more than an investment; it is an opportunity to be part of the technological revolution that is transforming industries and creating new paradigms of growth and development.

About the Global Tech and Innovation Fund

The Portfolio Manager: Ryan Mahon

Ryan Mahon is an investor, technologist, and outdoor enthusiast. Ryan founded Aquavis Advisors – an investment advisory firm that acts as the sub-manager for the Tamim Global Tech and Innovation and Global Mobility Strategy. Prior to that, Ryan ran the Mobility Strategy at Ibex Investors, and worked as a Sector Head (Internet) and Associate Portfolio Manager at Millennium Management and as an Investment Analyst (Global Technology) at Folger Hill Asset Management. 

Reports & Factsheet

Monthly Report 

No reports have been published for this fund



Discover further details about the fund's investment strategy, the investment team, and the investment process.


Investment Philosophy and Process

Learn about the fund investment philosophy and process.

  Investment Philosophy and Process

Fund Facts

Investment Parameters

Management Style: Active
Investments: Global Equities
Investable universe: Nasdaq Composite
Number of securities: 40-50
Derivatives: Yes
Leverage: No
Portfolio turnover: Typically < 25% p.a.
Cash level: 0-100% (typically 0-20%)

Fund Profile

Investment Structure: Unlisted Unit Trust available to wholesale or sophisticated investors
Minimum Investment: $150,000
Management Fee: 1.50% p.a.
Admin & Expense Recovery: Up to 0.35%
Performance Fee: 20% of performance in excess of hurdle
Hurdle: Greater of:
RBA Cash Rate +2.5%
Entry/Exit Fee: 5% exit fee is payable on an exit from the investment in the unit class prior to the first year anniversary of the investors initial issue of units.
Buy/Sell Spread: +0.25% / -0.25%
Applications: Monthly
Redemptions: Monthly with 30 days notice
Investment Horizon: 5+ years
Distributions: Annual

Investor Profile

The TAMIM Global Tech and Innovation Portfolio suits investors who:


Want to be invested in the technological revolution that is transforming industries. 


Seek diversification beyond the Australian economy.


Prefer a risk-aware approach to global investing.


Embrace a long-term investment horizon of at least five years, acknowledging potential price variation during that period.


Watch a recording of Webinar hosted in July 2024.   

Invest Now

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Wholesale Investors Only. 

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Invest via IMA

The TAMIM Global Tech and Innovation strategy is available as an Individually Managed Account (IMA). Please see the Strategy Summary for terms or request Investment Documentation via form.

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