20210429 Tamim Investment Reading List

Albert EinsteinThe TAMIM team is always diligently researching, reading and scouring the internet for information and ideas that will shape our investing future. We have decided to compile our list of favourite reads together here each week for your convenience and hopefully education – enjoy the reads and various views.


Is ESG Outperformance Just an Illusion? (Institutional Investor)

The secret credit card that’s only for the rich And other tales of America’s concierge industry (Backbencher)

Before You Answer, Consider the Opposite (The Atlantic)

The One Question I Hate Getting About My Home’s Solar Roof (Slate)

The Next Chapter of Money: The Greatest Story Ever Told (The Belle Curve)

The Hot-Hand Fallacy Fallacy Fallacy? (Albert Bridge Capital)

‘Excess Deaths’ in 2020 Surpassed Those of 1918 Flu Pandemic (New York Times)

How Robinhood Made Trading Easy—and Maybe Even Too Hard to Resist (Bloomberg)

Cities Are Our Best Hope for Surviving Climate Change: Whatever Climate Change Does to the World, Cities Will Be Hit Hardest (CityLab)

The Two Most Underappreciated Forces Driving Markets Today ​(Wealth of Common Sense)

​Happy investing,

The team at TAMIM




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