20211111 Tamim Investment Reading List

Albert EinsteinThe TAMIM team is always diligently researching, reading and scouring the internet for information and ideas that will shape our investing future. We have decided to compile our list of favourite reads together here each week for your convenience and hopefully education – enjoy the reads and various views.

The Chip That Could Transform Computing (New York Times)

We Already Have the Tools We Need to Beat Climate Change (Slate)

The Intrinsic Futility of ES(G) Investing (Advisor Perspectives)

Bitcoin for the Open-Minded Skeptic (Matt Huang)

The 3 Levels of FOMO (A Wealth of Common Sense)

America Needs a New Scientific Revolution (The Atlantic)

Big Hires, Big Money and a D.C. Blitz: A Bold Plan to Dominate Crypto (New York Times)

The last great mystery of the mind: meet the people who have unusual – or non-existent – inner voices (The Guardian)

How Britain Turned Into the World’s Most Self-Destructive Society (Eudaimonia)

Service workers are getting paid more than ever. It’s not enough. Why hospitality employees won’t go back to work (Vox)

​Happy investing,

The team at TAMIM



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