20220609 Tamim Investment Reading List

Albert EinsteinThe TAMIM team is always diligently researching, reading and scouring the internet for information and ideas that will shape our investing future. We have decided to compile our list of favourite reads together here each week for your convenience and hopefully education – enjoy the reads and various views.

Is the $100 Million Car the New $100 Million Artwork? (Vanity Fair)

The Worst Years Ever For a 60/40 Portfolio (A Wealth of Common Sense)Are Workers More Productive at Home? (Bloomberg)How Did It Happen?: The Great Inflation of the 1970s and Lessons for Today (Federal Reserve)

It’s decided: decisive people no more accurate than self-doubters (The Guardian)

Like capitalism itself, business journalism is broken. Can it be fixed? (The Ink)

Inefficient Market Hypothesis: 25 Instances That Prove Samuelson and Fama Wrong (Young Money)

The young, rich, anti-capitalist capitalists (Vox)

How Come Volatility Is So Darn Wild? (Chief Investment Officer)

What Nobel Prize-winning economist Robert Shiller thinks about the stock market right now (TKer)

The Multifarious Multiplexity of Taika Waititi (Wired)

​Happy investing,

The team at TAMIM



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