Global Equities

Global Mobility - Why Mobility? Why Now?

History has shown that most major technological revolutions & evolutions have followed a similar adoption path – we are at an Inflection Point. 

Opportunity of a Lifetime:

+  $7-10 Trillion Opportunity*

+  Historic industry creation

+  Historic industry destruction

+  Multiple ways to win:

  • Electrification
  • Sharing
  • Autonomous

* Michael Wayland. “GM’s Cruise values autonomous vehicle industry at $8 trillion” CNBC, 5 February 2020
  Mark Phelan. “Detroit leads, Tesla lags in trillion-dollar race for robot-car business” Detroit Free Press, 13 March 2019

1. Business Insider,
2. Forbes,
3. Business Insider,

The Case

$8-10 Trillion Revolution: That’s right, trillion with a “T.” We believe this is going to be the biggest technological revolution of our lifetime… and very few are paying attention.

It’s Happening Now: EV adoption is inflecting, and autonomous vehicles are already on the road today across the US. Google’s Waymo division has over 600 self-driving cars (no safety drivers!) that have collectively driven over 20 million miles (32 million kilometres). In the Phoenix area, consumers can hail one today with a simple click in the app.

Every Industry Will Be Affected: We believe there will be massive winners and significant losers – given our structure, we plan to make money on both. On the winner side, think about: semiconductors (digital and electric vehicle content), cloud software & infrastructure, and autonomous technologies. On the loser side, think about the industries that will disappear: car rental companies, internal combustion engine (ICE) components, and Big Oil…

Multiple Ways to Win: While the end state is already coming into view, there are multiple building block evolutions that we are actively seeking to capitalize on – namely, Sharing/Connectivity, Electrification, and Autonomy.

About Ibex Investors:

+ Founded in 2003

+ Over USD $870m in Assets Under Management

+ Offices in Denver, New York  & Tel Aviv

+ Proven Portfolio Manager:
Ryan Mahon | Ibex Mobility Revolution Strategy

  • 55.77% CY2020
  • 71.72% since inception*​

* At 31 December 2020. Reflects performance since Ryan Mahon joined Ibex in July 2019 as a portfolio manager after the Fund’s original portfolio manager departed.

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Invest via IMA

The TAMIM Global Mobility strategy is also available as an Individually Managed Account (IMA). Please see the Strategy Summary for terms.

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